Tips when looking for a financial consultant near me

Trying to find a good financial advisor can seem like an insurmountable task. With many companies, it seems like they are looking for commission only – which is then told as a sales pitch at the bottom of their website. The truth is that even if you just want someone who will teach you how to build your savings, it’s hard to find a company that isn’t big on commission and has all the qualities that lead people to hire them in the first place. The following guide should help you when searching for reputable a financial consultant near me.

Research Their Backgrounds

If you’ve got some confidence in this field, it may be worth researching their backgrounds on Google. Different companies have different business models, and you want to know about how they work before spending your hard-earned money on them. You might also want to know what kind of clientele they have worked with and what are their “reputations” in the local area. You might also want to look at their social media presence and how trustworthy their comment section is.

Ask for References

Look at their website and ask the people you already know if they have had any experiences with them. Remember, many of the people you can ask will know what they think of your financial consultant near me before they go with them.


There are many websites claiming to find the best financial advisors near me, but it’s important to check the reviews. While some services merely blast marketing buzzwords like “incredible returns” or “unbeatable returns” at prospective clients, others provide real testimonials before they let you sign up. Remember that testimonials are not legitimate if they are written by active employees of that company!

Evaluate fees

Most providers charge an up-front fee, but it’s important to factor in more expensive fees in the long run. Compare fees like annual account maintenance fees, surrender charges and investment management fees. On top of this, many financial services have an exit fee as a percentage of your account value as you leave the firm. But don’t just look at the simple commissions. Many companies advertise “no enrollment fees” or “no account opening fees”. Instead, they slowly begin charging you for other things like transaction fees, and account maintenance fees!

You get multiple quotes from different firms so that you can compare apples to apples when choosing your financial advisor. You can even go by your state’s “Best Practices” or compensation disclosure requirements.

Understand The Tax Implications Of Your Retirement Plan

Especially when looking for a financial advisor near me, it’s important to understand the tax implications of your retirement plan. It’s also a good idea to get advice with someone knowledgeable about adjustments that you can make before you retire. This will help ensure that your tax burden is as low as possible in retirement and will allow you to invest more without losing money on taxes.

A good financial advisor can help you create a plan for the future, so that you know what to expect when it comes to money and taxes.